Dr Aly Khorshid is a shari’ah board member in selected Islamic institutions, his PhD on Islamic studies and Islamic economics is from the University of Leeds (UK). His publications include, Islamic Insurance: A Modern Approach to Islamic Banking, the Encyclopaedia of Islamic finance, Dictionary of Islamic Finance, “A Tender Power” a novel elucidating Islamic finance to a layman, Corporate Governance in Islamic Banks and Towards Standardisation of Islamic Finance. He is a trustee member and professor of Academy UK, fellow at ICMA centre Henley Business School University of Reading UK, Professor (Visiting) International Business School, UTM University Malaysia and former visiting lecturer at El-Azhar University Egypt. He was nominated for King Fisal International prize 2006, runner-up for Mubarak Prize on Islamic studies 2010 and is a regular speaker on Islamic finance issues at conferences and TV. His current research interests are in developing Sukuk Waqf for development and education, and developing practical Islamic stock trading and Shari’ah compliant capital market tools compatible with the global market.